Devils Food Chocolate Pots

quick, easy and dairy free - a delicious raw chocolate pudding

This dessert is so named not because of any refined sugars or heavy creams, but after the pomegranate seeds which were the downfall of Persephone. You can eat it during any months of the year - not just the dark ones. Who could resist such delicious morsels, especially when they adorn such a decadent raw dessert? The jewel like pomegranates seeds against the chocolate shavings and orange coconut cream look every bit as decadent as they do regal. They can be mouth-puckeringly sharp but with the sweet orange cream and the rich chocolate mousse, they are the perfect addition.

They look rather luxurious when served in little pots and can be made in advance. It is such a relief to have a beautiful dessert that requires the minimum of fuss when you’re catering.

This recipe is enough for 4 people and after you have made them, just pop some cling film over the top and refrigerate to keep them fresh.

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Devils Food Chocolate Pots



2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted

125ml/½ cup vanilla cashew nut milk

8 Medjool dates, pitted

100g/ 1/2 cup cacao powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 tablespoons melted coconut oil

Pinch salt


150g/¾ cup coconut meat

35g/¼ cup cashews, soaked for 4 hours

4 tablespoons agave

4 tablespoons almond milk

4 tablespoons orange juice

1 teaspoon orange extract

¼ teaspoon vanilla

2 ½ tablespoons melted coconut oil


the seeds of a pomegranate

3 – 4 chunks of your favourite raw or dark chocolate bar


  1. In a blender, whizz together all of the chocolate mousse ingredients until smooth

  2. Pour into 4 glasses and leave in the refrigerator to set

  3. When set, blend together the orange cream ingredients and pour into a piping bag or bowl and leave in the refrigerator to set.

  4. When set, pipe the orange cream onto the chocolate pudding, decorate with chocolate shavings and pomegranate seeds.

Making a three course raw food meal doesn’t need to be a scary prospect. You can bring the raw food restaurant experience to your family and friends at home.

In my Simple Entertaining masterclass you can learn to create a raw plant-based, three course menu with style from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Watch the recorded livestream class, download the prep guide and recipes and 'cook-a-long' to create your own delicious and impressive raw food menu! Watch the different plating ideas too.

It’s raw food entertaining made simple.

“I made the whole menu and everything was utterly delicious. Can't wait for the next one. Brilliant experience 🌟”

Lucy MacMaster, UK

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